The Runway

The Runway
  • Ireland, Luksemburg
  • 100
  • 13 years & above
  • director
    Ian Power
  • screenplay
    Ian Power
  • cinematography
    P.J. Dillon
  • music
    Gast Waltzing
  • editing
    Amine Jaber
  • cast
    Kerry Condon, James Cosmo, Demián Bichir, Bruno Bichir, John Carpenter, Jamie Kierans
  • producers
    Macdara Kelleher & Brendan McDonald
  • production
    Fastnet Films, Poderosa Pictures
  • sales
    Reel Flow
  • format
    35 mm


THE RUNWAY is inspired by the true story of a South American pilot who crashed his plane near Mallow, Co. Cork in 1983. Against all odds, the people of the town came together to build a runway to get him home and briefly caught the imagination of the nation. It is the story of Paco, a young boy without a father who adopts the pilot and convinces the town to build a runway to get him home.


With a first class honours from the MA Film in Dublin’s D.I.T. Aungier St. in 1999, Ian Power followed his graduation film with the 15 minute short film BUSKERS, which scooped first prize at a number of international film festivals. In 2009 he wrote and directed THE RUNWAY, his first feature length film. THE RUNWAY premiered at The Galway Film Fleadh in 2010 and picked up the award for Best Irish Feature.


Date, time Venue
  • Sat, 2011-12-10 15:00
Multikino Stary Browar
  • Tue, 2011-12-06 12:00
Multikino 51